Ash Reshteh {Persian Noodle Soup}
What does home smell like to you? To me it smells like peeyaz dagh (caramelized / fried onions). An aroma that transcends me to growing up in a warm and loving home where my mom was always making our family or a house full...
Koofteh Berenji {Persian Meatballs}
There are many versions of Persian Koofteh {Persian Meatballs} and my go-to version is the one I learned from my beautiful mother. It also happens to now be a favorite of my husband’s (who is not Iranian) and so I make this dish often....
Firnee {Persian Custard}
As Thanksgiving quickly approaches I thought to share one of my favorite Persian desserts called Firnee. It’s a creamy rose water and cardamom custard so simple in terms of its list of ingredients yet so deliciously potent in flavor. A great side dessert to...
One of the staple dishes at any lunch or dinner table where there is Persian food is tahdig. Tahdig means “bottom of the pot”. “Tah” meaning bottom and “dig” which means the pot in which we cook the rice in. Tahdig is otherwise known...